December Release and Updates for 2025

This week we released a new version of Chatflot. For this release, small adjustments have been made that make the widget more noticeable on your website. These new features are already available from the basic package. Furthermore, we have optimized some things in the background.

To make the widget more noticeable, we added a notification with unread message, and a welcome message in the form of a popup. Both are available in the basic package and can be set as desired via the following settings when editing your chatbot:

This will then be displayed on your website as follows:

For the new year, we have some big changes and additions planned in terms of design and features. We continue to innovate with our product, and for each release you can expect a post like this one explaining all the new features.

For now, we wish you happy holidays and a happy new year! 🥳✨

Hey, I'm Mike, the co-founder of Chatflot. From a young age I've been into computers and technology. I turned this passion into my own startup! On my blog I write about AI, customer service, and how they complement each other.